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I'm sitting in my room on a rainy Sunday evening. I have a few candles lit and I'm sitting on my floor watching the rain fall on the side yard (I know, it's a very "emo" moment). I was looking over … Read more about Crutches


I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating my blog very much. Being a leader is a new experience so I'm still trying to learn how to use my time most effectively. I hope things are going well in … Read more about Update!


A Page from My Journal: What am I suppose to do when I hear or I see the brokenness of this world? It's not a pretend story. People are physically dying. I am an American. And for that I am so … Read more about Anger

God Provided!

God Provides! I visited Khulisa feeding point on Thursday morning. I've been around the container several times but I have not been able to go and be at the feeding in the morning until this past … Read more about God Provided!

Beatin that Drum!

I'm tired from beating the drum all week in Somerset East. We joined with three other ministries to bring the movie "Beat the Drum" to this small little town. The movie addresses the issue of AIDs in … Read more about Beatin that Drum!