
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’m so sorry that I haven’t been updating my blog very much. Being a leader is a new experience so I’m still trying to learn how to use my time most effectively. I hope things are going well in America! We love hearing about the new president. Most everyone I speak to here in Africa is so excited about Obama. We had a great day of prayer and fasting on Inauguration Day for our new leader. We asked for wisdom and protection over his life. I have great hope for America, not because of Obama necessarily but because we’ve declared God as our great protector. And our trust lies within Christ Jesus.
Things here in Jeffreys has been wonderful. I am not just saying that either. I could not have asked for a better team of my precious girls. Aaryn, my co-leader, and I are always saying tht our team is so teachable and motivated. These ten girls (and one in America) are so ready to make an impact and be used. I am very excited about this semester. And their attitudes make my job so much more of a joy and not a job. I appreciate them so much.
Please pray for us! We are always in need of prayer! The girls are doing well in their ministries but they have very long days. So please pray for rest for them and extra amounts of energy. Also pray for wisdom for Aaryn and I as we teach, disciple, and lead this team. It takes tons of wisdom and spirit-filled decisions to make sure that we are operating in a way to bring glory to the Lord. And we are always seeking for prayers for our protection here. We’ve been fortunate but we want to continue to remain safe at all times. Thanks so much!!!
HE Provides,

One response to “Update!”

  1. You’re DOING this!! 🙂
    Girl, you are being completely smothered in prayer by people all over the world. God is moving hearts day in and out to lift you and Aaryn and your girls up.
    Praise God for your attitude and willingness to be pushed.
    God is using you in miraculous ways girl!
    Hope you had fun at the ‘birthday party’ today – Alexis told me about it!
    and MANY HUGS