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America! I am back in the USofA! It’s wonderful be back and I hope to see each of your faces soon! Before I explain what life holds for me currently, I want to recap the last few weeks of Jeffreys Bay.

The Khulisa Project was a huge part of my last weeks in Jeffreys. It’s kinda funny that such a huge project went down at the very end of my experience. The Khulisa Project is the feeding point created by Noma with some American help (thanks to everyone who gave money and prayers!). After feeding the children out of Noma’s home for a few weeks, we were already outgrowing her house. As I have mentioned before, Noma really wanted to buy the container across the street. This was such a huge task for me. I had no idea how to purchase land or property or who to call or how to do anything. But it all came together and within a few weeks we had a bank account for the project, phone numbers of the container’s owner, multiple withdrawals from the ATM to do, and we somehow had to give the container a face lift. It was very exciting to hand Noma the cash as she handed to the owner and signed the papers. The container is officially Noma’s! And the property that it sits on is her’s for the next 81 years (South Africa has some crazy leasing options!)!

This is the container before we purchased it:                            

And this is the container after:

We had two days to clean the container, buy the necessary supplies, and paint the container, oh….and say our goodbyes plus clean the AIM house and pack for home…no big deal right? It was super busy but it all got done and the container looks amazing! Noma was thrilled with the way it looked!

When we left, I told her that the container was her’s and that she could use it however she desired, but that it was meant to bring Christ glory and a place where those in need could find help. She smiled and said thank you! This was one of her greatest dreams!


The Khulisa Project is not a fully funded project. Actually, by September all of the funds will have been exhausted. We hope to get the South African government to give a grant but that is not yet confirmed. If you would like to be more involved please click on the “Talk to Me” link to the left. There is great need for financial and material contributions. And of course your prayers are always coveted! Click on the “Check out my pics” link to the left to see more pictures of the Khulisa Project.

I have a ton to write about life after the FYM program and where God is leading me next. I will update VERY soon!  Thanks everyone!

HE Provides,
