
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I am so filled with joy to write this blog! God has answered
our prayers! The Holy Spirit has been moving in the hearts of the tavern owner.
This week, I was invited inside of their home once again. The owner then went
on to tell me how much she hated the “drunks” and wants to get rid of the
tavern!!! This is a huge milestone in all of our praying. Praise the Lord!
After talking to her for a while, we dreamed about the future of this lady and
her business. She really desires to turn the tavern into a store. I am excited
to see how God has been changing her heart! She asked me for help. I told her
that I wasn’t sure how I could help but that I would talk to some friends about
it and let her know. I spoke with my team about it and we are all pumped to see
how God has heard and answered our prayers. Right now, I feel that I need to
spend more time seeking the Lord and trying to do His will. I am unsure about
continuing to purchase the tavern, especially if she wants to turn it into a
store, or if God has something else planned. So please keep praying and thank
you so much for doing so already. Pray specifically that God would show us what
our next step is.  Pray for clarity if
the tavern is suppose to be turned into a store. And if so, pray that God would
show us what part we are to have in it and also for money so she can buy
merchandise for the store. I also want to tell you about Joel. He is also a
partner in owning the tavern. He has become a good friend of ours and we love
him so much. I feel that Joel does not know the Lord as his Savior but I am
positive that God has been moving in his life. Joel is always so excited to see
us and seems to be very interested in the hope that we have. He has recently
turned his life around but I feel that he still is without Christ.  Last week, we challenged him to stop
smoking. At first we were just playing around and referring to his habit as the
“black lung” but he struck a deal with us. If he stopped smoking we would take
him to get ice cream. So we giggled and agreed. Well we owe Joel an ice cream
after two weeks of no smoking! Yes I know this is a little silly, but I can’t
help but rejoice that Joel is thirsty and it’s obvious in the simply silly
things. I can even look at his face and see that the Spirit is at work. Please
pray for Joel and his salvation.


Although the tavern has been such an exciting achievement
and faith builder, my excited dwindled the next morning. I received a phone
call from my dear friend Marta. Late Monday afternoon, Marta’s daughter Myna,
was sexually molested. My heart hurts so deeply over this filthy
situation.  I’m angry, hurt, sad,
confused and numb.  Myna is only two and
half years old!!! This world is a nasty place and I could scream at the
injustice and ungodliness I’ve seen in South Africa. After two extremely long
days of hospital visits and exams, Myna and Marta are home and doing well. I
was constantly on the phone with Marta during those days and tried to be as
encouraging as possible. I went to see them late one night after they returned
from one hospital. Myna was doing amazing. Actually, she spent most of the time
we were there giggling and jumping on the bed and playing with my hair. She was
happy and well even under the circumstances. Since then, I have seen and talked
with Marta several times and they continue to do well. The police are
investigating the situation. I have no idea if they will find out exactly what
happened and who was responsible, but I find a lot of comfort in the joy I see
in little Myna and the hope I see in Marta. With all of the exams and tests
they did, we found out that Myna does not have HIV nor T.B. which is such a
relief since Myna has been coughing a lot recently. We choose to praise the
Lord for His hand of protection over Myna and the health He has continuously
given to her. Please keep praying for all of us here in Jbay. I know God has
given so many blessings to this place and He longs for Jbay to belong to Him.
Thank you again for your love, prayer and support. I miss you!


HE Provides,



5 responses to “TAVERN CLOSING!”

  1. That’s wonderful! I will be praying as you pray about what God’s will is for this tavern.

  2. Wow Amber…you are seeing so much happen there. We will continue to pray for the tavern’s transition to something more productive. I was so sad to hear about the toddler though. We’ll keep praying for her healing.

  3. Amber, this is great! The students have been praying for this situation corporately on Wednesday nights…

  4. our sunday school class has been praying for the tavern God works in amazing ways! praise Him all the earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!