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Thoughts & Inspiration

Goodness! The summer is gone and I’ve packed all my bags, I think I’m about ready to go back to South Africa. I am just now realizing that the time has come to return. And I feel like it’s all a dream. It just seems like my previous experience in South Africa was over in a blink of an eye. I came home and I was shocked by the change I saw in my country but even more so in myself. I’m not going to lie, it was a rough transition. June is now a blur. I remember feeling very alone and sad at the state of the Church in America and even the people here. I couldn’t wait to get back to South Africa.

But now, I feel like South Africa happened in another lifetime. It almost doesn’t seem real. It’s funny how quickly a person can adjust and carry on in life. But one thing has remained the same through it all, and that’s the Lord. Seriously, He has not failed or been unfaithful to me during this season of my life. I truly feel like I am going crazy and I must be two different people and live two different lives. When I am here in America I am so comfortable and I have so much fun and life is just different. But when I am in Africa I am being stretched and challenged and I’m constantly growing. I hope to one day have the best of both worlds. I feel that God is changing my views on life and my heart for missions and so it’s as if I have two lives. But I take comfort in knowing that He is patient. He is willing to walk with me as my two worlds must be one genuine life lived out before Him.

Needless to say, I had an amazing summer and met some wonderful people who I hope to carry with me for the rest of my days.  It was great to spend time with my family and friends and to rest. I needed the whole summer to recuperate and prepare for this next season of life.

On Wednesday I’ll head towards Gainesville, GA for a week and a half of training. I will be trained as a leader from Wednesday until Sunday. On Monday the students arrive and we will train together for a week. And then we fly far far away to South Africa on the 15th of September. I will be apart of a leadership team that will consist of several of my teammates from last year and some new friends! We will stay in beautiful Jeffreys Bay until December. My role for this time will mainly be focused on the students. I will have the amazing opportunity to disciple a handful of great girls as well as do a little teaching and anything else that comes my way. I am anxious to meet the 45 or so new students as we journey together in ministering to Jbay and growing in our faith.

In January, we will split into teams of 10-15 to serve in different locations around the southern part of Africa. I am not sure where I will be serving but hope to know in the next few weeks. I’ll keep you updated as much as I can.

Please pray for me this week as I head to training. I am thrilled to see my old teammates but this transition is a little rough for me. As I mentioned before, I feel torn between two worlds and I hope training will help focus me. Pray for all of the leaders as we come together to pray for this next year and plan and just prepare. These next few weeks are very intense! And please pray for the students arriving next Monday. Thanks so much for your love and support!!!

He Provides,

Amber Mullins