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I leave tomorrow for South Africa! I had a wonderful time at home but it was way too short. I am extremely glad that I was able to come and be with my family and friends for Christmas. I was in need of a break and it was great to relax for a few weeks. 
I am leading a wonderful team of girls with my friend Aaryn. Our first semester really focused on the training aspect of missions as we prepared our students for this semester. Our group of 38 students and 15 leaders has now be divided into three teams going to Swaziland, Port Elizabeth (SA) and Jeffreys Bay. In our outreach teams for this semester, our focus shifts more to practicing all the things we’ve learned from last semester. Our student will spend the majority of their time in ministry five days a week. Our hope is that they will also begin a discipling girls in the townships or the local churches. Along with discipleship and ministry, Aaryn and I will be teaching and leading these girls into deeper relationships with the Lord as well as taking care of all the team’s logisics. Please pray for Aaryn and I as we are “all things to all people.”  🙂 We are in great need of your prayers.
As always, thank you for your sweet prayers and generosity. It was so great to see many of your faces while I was home. I’ll see you in May!
HE Provides,

4 responses to “Next Stop: Jeffreys Bay!”

  1. Amber – I Love all the pictures from the last post! PRAYING, PRAYING, PRAYING for you all! Have a safe trip.


  2. Amber, I was so happy to see you while you were home. I look forward to your return in May. I will continue to pray for you.

  3. Amber! You and Aaryn are going to rock it this semester….believe in yourself and the person God has made you to be!
    Loving you from Georgia.

  4. Amber, sorry that I didn’t see you while you were here. I’m glad you were able to spend precious time with your family.
    I know that the next few months will pass quickly and you will return home. May God be with you, Aaryn and the entire team as you minister. Love you, Regina