
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


  Hello from Swaziland! This has been such a great week ministering to the Swazi people, getting to know the 60 Africa FYM participants, and learning about our spiritual giftings. 

  This week we have had the opportunity to minister in two care points, visit the hospital, and minister to families in the squatter camps. It has been very challenging but also wonderful.  I was really moved while we were at the care points with the orphans. They are the sweetest children. We barely get out of the car, and our arms are full of sweet kiddos. My favorite part is listening to them sing. WOW! What amazing voices the Swazi people have. There is nothing better than sitting and watching these orphans sing praises to the God who is always there! I was very touched at one of that care points. I sat with my new friend Lindewa and she told me about her life in Swaziland. She was a precious women of God and I will never forget those hours spent sitting with here.  She teaches preschool orphans for free but she is unable to send her own children to school. Isn’t that ironic? My heart was truly sadden, but she was filled with such joy.  Lindewa gave me my Swazi name.  In Swaziland, everyone’s name means something. She named me Jambulile which means Happiness! I must have had her fooled! 🙂 I am grateful for her and her kindness.

  Our hospital visit was really hard. I sat with a 20 year old who was unable to explain her sickness to me. Third world hospitals are unnerving to me but I was anxious to pray for those in the women’s ward. I saw so many things there that I can’t escape even now.  AIDS is such an evil thing. A teammate and I prayed over this one girl who was everything you think when you hear the phrase “skin and bones.”  We visited her on Thursday and she is most likely no longer alive.  It’s very overwhelming when you are in the midst of the sickness and disease. It’s easy to feel like there is no use in even trying to do anything about the disease. But I know there is hope.  Our speaker for the week said that he believes that the cure for AIDS is here in Africa in the form of a small orphan. How incredible would that be? I only hope that it will come soon…

  We leave Monday to head back to South Africa and my teams leaves for J-bay on Saturday morning. It is bittersweet to think about leaving now. We have made great friends and it will be hard to leave them at Alabanza. But we also look forward to meeting Chris and Christina and reuniting with Tag, Holly, and Heather.

 I miss home tons! I love each of you so much! Please send me an email. I love to hear from home!

Prayer needs:

  Focus (some days I am apathetic about my walk with Christ)

  My team as we regroup to head for J-bay

  Safety while traveling

  Discernment of the Truth of Christ and nothing else

  The attitudes of my team (living with 70 people, using two toilets and one shower teaches you a lot about who you really are!)


Keep in touch!


HE Provides,

Amber  aka Jambulile