
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey friends! I hope life in America is going well. I’m a little sad to be missing the wonderful spring weather. It will be strange to go more than a year without a Winter or a Spring.

Things here in Jeffrey’s have been crazy like always. After a week in the most amazing city ever, Cape Town, we prepared to leave for a small country called Lesotho. We were working with an orphanage in the mountains and were told we would be “roughing” it for two weeks. Although I was excited about living in the mountains for two weeks and loving on some sweet kids, I felt really strange about leaving Jeffrey’s and my ministry here. Long story short, we ended up not going to Lesotho and spent a very spiritually intense week here in Jeffrey’s. We did ministry in the afternoons, but every morning we had different activities. The first morning after a failed attempt to leave Jeffrey’s (dumb flat tire), we headed to Cape Saint Francis. We sat on the rocks over looking a very turbulent Indian Ocean, and spent time with the Lord. I needed that morning after several weeks of being very busy and distracted. It was amazing to watch the fury of the waves crashing on the rocks and think of how powerful our God is.

The next morning we woke up and headed to do some mountain climbing! This was my favorite part of the week. We focused on reflecting on the commitments and goals we set up for our ministry at the beginning of the year. Then we took time to surrender to the Lord anything that may hinder our love and service to Him. Our only rules for the morning was that we must climb the mountain alone and had to be at the top within two hours. I was pumped and decided to head to the far left where no one was going. My climb was hard and invigoratingly. I chose to climb the rocky parts mainly and would sit down and enjoy the view every so often. I looked to the right and in the distance I could see Jeffrey’s. I was overwhelmed with such gratitude for the Lord leading me here. I thought back on all the memories and things that I have learned and I was so grateful. I can’t believe that I’ve been able to serve here for nine months. What a blessing and living giving time of my life! Soon after I reached the top of the mountain, I received a phone call saying that the owner of the mountain was telling us to get off his mountain!! I found a couple of the team mates and we made our way back to the bottom of the mountain (which was way harder than climbing up). Once at the bottom, we met our new friend Francis and he drove us around his property and invited us to come back anytime (but next time we had to call and let him know beforehand…). The mountain was a great experience.

On Wednesday we started a “Called Fast” for our whole team that would last for twenty-four hours. During this time we set up a prayer room that would have one person praying for those twenty-four hours. My prayer times were at 5 a.m. and noon. During those times, I felt the Lord just asking me to rest in Him, which is a common theme in my life while in Africa. I’m still processing all of it but I think I’ve forgone knowing Christ for serving Him…I’m still thinking through this…

That afternoon we headed to Algoa Frail Care Center close to Port Elizabeth. This is a private hospital for extremely disabled children. I really can’t explain or describe what the experience is like. It’s a wonderful place but it is emotionally really hard. Although the 150 kids are well taken care of, my heart aches at the fact they will most likely never leave that place nor will they ever be able to run or walk or swim in the ocean. The staff at Algoa are so incredible and very special people and love the children as if they were their very own. They are in need of lots of help and many of the children very rarely have guests come and visit them. We walked through three wards and just sang over the kiddos and prayed for them. It’s crazy to think how special it is for us and them for us to reach out and touch them. Many of them do not talk, but they respond to us by laughing or smiling.
Those kids are precious and it’s obvious that they are the very ones that have the heart of God.

In ministry this week, some really cool things happened. As of tomorrow, Monday, we are starting a feeding point in the township. Noma, my sweet friend and sister in Christ, and I have come together to fed about ten children who go to school hungry everyday. I’ve been praying for awhile as to how to help these kids and everything came together this last week. We will be feeding these ten kids every Monday and Wednesday until December. It may grow to many more kids and I hope it does but we are still working on the details of it all. One of our main problems was where to have this feeding point. This week we will do it at Noma’s house in the township. But I spoke with Peela, the tavern owner, and we will test it out for a week making the tavern a feeding point!!!! I’m so excited to see how the Lord is moving at the tavern! How crazy is it to think that this tavern may serve the kids of this community in a wonderful way. I only hope that this will encourage Peela to see how she can have such a positive impact on her community!

Please pray for us as we begin this feeding point. It will be at 7 a.m. on Monday and Wednesday. Also pray for Peela as we hope to move it to the tavern next week. Her heart needs Christ so badly and I hope that this will be a way for her to fall in love with Him and what He is doing in Jeffrey’s.

I miss everyone! I love you all and thanks for your support!

HE Provides,
