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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey folks! I am typing this sweet blog from the lovely town of Gainesville, Georgia. Everyone keeps asking me how things are going and I laugh a little because I really don’t even know where to start! I arrived on Wednesday for a five day leader training that ends on Monday where 41 students will arrive for a week of training before we head to South Africa. Leader training has been good, but also overwhelming at the same time. We have serveral sessions through out the day that preps us for life in the field as a leader. We learn all types of stuff from influencing people to what to do in emergency situations. It’s been very informative and intense. I’m pretty spent by 10 pm. We’ve spent a good amount together as the South African leaders and it’s been great to be with old friends and some great new ones. We’ve really been bathing this team in prayer and getting excited to see how the year unfolds. 
On Monday when the participants arrive, we will begin a week long process of transition. I loved training camp last year (not because of the great lodging and the emaculate showers…haha yeah right…) because it was a wonderful way of stepping out of my old life and beginning to step into the new world of missions in Africa. I feel that this is somewhat the same experience I am going through even now. I woke up yesterday and I was just bursting with eagerness to get to Africa and see all of my friends and people that I just loved so much last year. Then today I wake up and I just want to pack up my car and head home. The whole transition part just really stinks.
I read today in Isaiah about going forth in joy and the trees of the field clapping their hands. As I was reading I kept asking the Lord to confirm in me that HE is going to walk me through the next nine months. And that I would have joy in this season, even when it’s rough. Reading that passage helped me to focus on what the Lord has called me to and how he leads me and goes before me. I am grateful for his tenderness to my ever-changing emotions and feelings and also his faithfulness to reaffirm his purpose for me. I know this is what He has called me to now and I know it will be beautiful. So when the days come when I would rather be in Memphis doing my own thing instead of training camp or the townships of Jeffreys Bay, I know that God’s purpose is far more worthy and life-giving than my longings at that time.
Please continue to pray for me. I am in need of energy and strength. Pray that my team would be unified. Pray for the nerves and uneasiness of the participants coming on Monday. Pray for the people of Jeffreys Bay and the ministries that we will be involved with.
Also, there are a few financial needs that I’ve come across. We will be participating in a program called “Beat The Drum” in October. It’s a program taken into schools to address the issue of AIDs and HIV. With this program, we are able to go into schools and communities that we would never have the opportunity. We are taking a week to travel to a small town to do “Beat the Drum.” This is a huge opportunity for the gospel of Christ to be made known. We are excited to be apart but we are lacking SIGNIFICANT funds. If you are interested in supporting this project then please contact me and I will give you more information.  Also, I have a few teammates that are really lacking in raising support. Let me know if you would like to support a teammate! They are all wonderful people and would be so grateful. Thanks so much yall. I pray for you often and I hope you know how grateful I am for you! Much love!!!
HE Provides,

4 responses to “In Transition”

  1. Hi Amber – I saw came across this verse the other day and every time you’ve come to mind the past few days, it’s been followed by this verse.

    “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24.

    I’m so amazed! I’ll continue to keep you in my prayers!

    Allyson & Matt Stephens

    P.S. Your dad got choked up in class telling us about you (and saying goodbye). It made me tear up and I know Matt got choked up too. Gotta love those daddy’s and their little girls! You sure have some precious parents. And Sunday was the first time I got to see Ryan perform a baptism. He did great!

  2. hey there, jeffreys is excited to see you all again and new people for the first time. i certainly will keep praying for u and the entire team, i believe God will provide for all… he’s never late. take care. johnathan van wyk.

  3. I sure do miss you. You are so precious, and I am very proud of you. I am living this experience this year through you. So you better keep this blog updated; I know you’ll have plenty of time to since you are a leader and all now! Love you so much!

  4. Girl, Beat the Drum is what I went to South Africa for 3 years ago! It’s an awesome message to be a part of to spread. I’m sure you’ll be with some of the leaders from when I went! How cool. Keep us updated regularly. I’m so envious of you being there. I miss it so much! Have fun and be safe. Praying for you!