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“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ever ask or imagine…”

I have some bittersweet news. Let me first start with the “sweet” before I get to the “bitter.”  Before I tell you the wonderful news, I first have to say that this update is extremely over-do. But in light of all that has happened in the past weeks, I have not been able to do much celebrating. About three weeks ago, I was spending time with Marta and her family. It was good to just be with them for several hours and “catch up” on things. While I was driving her home, she points to the tavern that many of you have ceaselessly prayed for, and tells me that the tavern is closed.  I continued driving and could not comprehend what she was saying. But sure enough as I drove past the doors where shut and the windows were boarded up!!!!! THE TAVERN IS CLOSED! After over a year of praying for that place, God has answered our prayers. I dropped Marta off and began back towards the house and as I drove past it for a second time I still was in shock. I could not believe that God had answered my prayers right in front of my eyes. I just feel so excited to see Him fulfill something that was placed deep in my heart. I love God! He is so good.

Even with all of this celebration, we are still not out of the woods. I visited Peela and Joel at the tavern. They told me that they had been shut down because they did not have their license.  A fight broke out a few nights before and four men were stabbed with one dying. The police came and investigated and that’s when the tavern was shut down. However, a few days ago I was visiting with Marta again and the doors to the tavern were opened. I know that they are not officially open again but they are trying to continue on in their business. So please keep on praying. We want the tavern to be shut down permanently.

I just want to thank all of you who have prayed and prayed for that tavern. I hope this builds your faith in Christ all the more. He has heard us and we can’t stop praying now. We are on the brink of something great. So please keep praying for that “immeasurably more.”

Now, I have some very sad news. Last Sunday, April 4th, three of our Port Elizabeth team members were in a car accident on their way to Jeffreys Bay. A good friend of the team was driving the car when a tire blew and caused their car to flip multiples times. All four of the kids were injured and sadly sweet Sarah Buller died later that afternoon. We had a beautiful memorial service on Wednedsay, which was her 19th birthday. This has been an incredibly difficult time as you can imagine. I am currently with my team and the PE team in Gordon’s Bay (near Cape Town) being ministered to and counseled through this tough season.  Our hearts are shattered by this loss. And our prayers cover the Buller family. Our teams will never be the same but we truly place all of our hope in Christ. We know that she is at His side worshipping Him and she is being honored for her tender-servant heart. We cling to the Lord during this time and know that He is STILL able to do “immeasurably more than all we could ever ask or imagine.” Thanks for your prayers. Please keep praying.

HE Provides,


5 responses to ““Immeasureably More””

  1. Amber,
    Just want you to know we’ve been praying for you through this difficult time.

    I just finished reading Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot. One quote today for you: “God is the God of human history, and He is at work continuously, mysteriously, accomplishing His eternal purposes in us, through us, for us, and in spite of us.”

    May God bless you in every way!
    Love you,

  2. Amber,

    Mary Margaret and I heard your news of your team and are praying for you this week. You passage of scripture is a reminder of how God works in all situations and draws near in the darkest of times.

    I am so glad to hear your thoughts and praise of the Tavern. We know that has been a long standing prayer for your teams. Please keep us posted on how to pray and support you. Though your are there, you are near to our thoughts. We cherish and praise God for all the ways you changed our lives while we were near you in MS.


    Nathan Bogue

  3. Amber, we will still pray that the tavern will be permantly shut down. What a victory that will be for the area. I’m so sorry about the loss of your friend. May God’s peace and comfort surround each of you there and her family. Also praying for your departure from Africa and your safe arrival to the States. I’m sure it will be a time of transition and difficult emotions…God will lead you through them all. Love you.

    Regina McCuistion

  4. Covering you in prayer. keep standing on the Truth! He’s enough, He is strong…lean into Him. you are loved and cherished. Praying for His peace that surpasses all understanding to invade your world today.

  5. Hello Amber,
    Our class just heard about the car accident and death of your friend. I am so very sorry. Please know that we are praying for you and the other team members and for Sarah’s family.
    God is not done with that tavern, girl. He has heard the prayers and is working His plan.
    We have heard good things about your parents and the church they have started. Praise the Lord, the Mullins family is busy serving Him!
    God Bless you all,
    Jean White and Joy SS Class