
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I made it to South Africa! Thank you for all your prayers. Our 15 hour layover in Germany proved to be somewhat challenging but we had a good time! (Praise God for reclining seats!) Alabanza is our home for the next few weeks. It’s beautiful. We have been doing more intensive training and orientating. We were starting to get a little stir crazy but we began some ministry work in the area. My team had the wonderful job of manual labor. My hands and back are the fruit of our work. It was so great. I was thrilled to be out and ministering. We made bricks, laid a concrete slab (right next the the pigs…it was …a lovely time…), and we also helped create efficient water flow to help with flooding. I’ve got some pretty sweet blisters and I’m happy to have them. It was good to work hard. Tag laughed at me down in the dirt with my manicured hands! 🙂 We leave for Swaziland tomorrow and will be ministering in the townships, orphanages, and clinics all week. I am very very excited! Our leaders left this morning to get things ready for us in Jbay. We miss them already. My team is my support. It’s very challenging living in community and having rules and a schedule but it’s my team that gets me through the day. I’ve had some amazing times with the Lord. He has been so close to me while I am here. I’ve learned so much and I look forward to Jbay! I will update as soon as I can. Thanks for all of your love and prayers.

Prayer needs:
Spiritual Growth for my team as whole
Protection while in Swaziland
Spiritual Warfare (it’s extremely intense!!!)
Patience for life at Alabanza
Strength to serve
The hearts of the Swazi people
Discerning Truth

Love you all! I hope to update soon! Please keep praying. God bless!!!
