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God Provides!

I visited Khulisa feeding point on Thursday morning. I’ve been around the container several times but I have not been able to go and be at the feeding in the morning until this past week. I was excited to see that the kids are doing well and seem happy. The container has a gas stove, some boxes of supplies, a table, and some crazy looking curtains. It’s simple, plain, and missing one necessary item. The container has no chairs. The children stand while they eat or sit on the cold dirty floor. It makes me really sad. I have known that Noma really needed chairs but we just simply didn’t have the money. I told her that I would check the prices of the cheapest chairs I could find. She was excited that I was recognizing this need. She told me that she really wants to have her ladies Bible study moved to the container. And the chairs could be used for a children’s program. I caught on to her excitement and visited several furniture stores. But each place I went I found that the chairs were too expensive. I couldn’t justify spending money on chairs that would take away from feeding the children.

A few days ago was a historic day for Jeffreys Bay. They opened a mall!!! It’s really exciting! Haha. But I went into a store there to check out opening day prices on chairs. Since the economy back in the States is struggling, the dollar is very strong in South Africa right now (I truly do not understand how I am benefiting from my own hurting economy. I should have paid more attention in economics). The dollar was the highest it’s ever been since I’ve been here and the highest it’s been in years. So I found the chairs I needed for 69 Rand (S. African currency). This means that for every chair I bought I was spending about $7.00. I was really excited. So I bought 18 of them and was grateful that the Lord had provided. I walked up to the counter and each chair rang up for only 50 Rand!!!!!! So I paid less than $5.00 for each chair! Praise God!

I took the 18 chairs to Noma and she was thrilled. She started clapping her hands and jumping up and down. She said that just this week her ladies’ bible study had no place to meet anymore. They are now meeting in the container with the new chairs! I just kept telling God how thankful I was. And how much of a Provider he is!

Please pray for the bible study there and also for the bible study we are hoping to begin for the children. I’m excited to see what else is going to happen at the Khulisa!

HE Provides,


3 responses to “God Provided!”

  1. Amber!
    That makes me so happy. I’m so glad things are continuing to grow. Khulisa could not be a better name. I love the picture of Noma jumping and clapping for joy. Please keep me updated. I’m praying. GB.