
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’ve made it back to Jeffrey’s Bay! I arrived after some crazy happenings in multiple airports. I actually landed in London for an eight hour layover that gave me the opportunity to see the sights! It was such a wonderful day that I will never forget. I had about four hours in the city and ran around all over the place hoping to catch a glimpse of Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Waterloo, and the Tower of London and everything in between. I couldn’t stop smiling at my one day adventure. I did arrive a day later than planned in Jbay without any luggage. However, my luggage came the next day so all is well.

It’s beautiful as always back here in South Africa. The past two days have been especially pretty. They have been the type of days that you love when you go to the beach; nice cool breeze, blue skies, and perfect waves! I love being here but it was a little bit of a shock to my system so go from snow to sand!

My second day back we headed into the townships to see all of my friends. I brought back a whole suitcase of clothes for everyone. So I got to play Santa all day giving everyone their presents. Marta and Noma looked absolutely beautiful in their new dresses. I was shocked to see how wonderful Noma looked. She has been in and out of the hospital over Christmas but she has gained 8 kilos (20 lbs!) and looks so much better! She glowed when she tried on her purple sweater my mom gave to her. Marta tried on every dress and hugged me after each one. She’s so funny! The family we visit in Ocean View township also got a bag of clothing. Only the daughter and father were home but they loved their gifts!

The doors are continuing to open all around. Just yesterday Cassie and I met a new family whose husband just died this week. We ended up cleaning their house in preparation for a prayer service that evening. We were invited back to a prayer meeting tomorrow. This was such a huge deal to be invited to worship with them. All we know is to be there tomorrow at 2 wearing church clothes and bringing some food. So we are excited about our new opportunities. I feel encouraged at the growth I see in all of our relationships.

Here is a quick update on the tavern. It’s coming along so slowly. I have been really tempted to get frustrated or feel defeated. There are little answers to my sea of questions. I feel a good bit of pressure and I’m tired of never having answers. So please pray for me and my heart in all of this. Continue to pray for the owner (who is a woman) and all the details. I will let you know when I know something new! Thanks for your support! Much love to each of you!

HE Provides,
