
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’m tired from beating the drum all week in Somerset East. We joined with three other ministries to bring the movie “Beat the Drum” to this small little town. The movie addresses the issue of AIDs in South Africa. The HIV statistics for South Africa are so scary. It is so important for people to know the truth about this pandemic that is taking the lives of South Africans at a dangerous rate.

The team did a great job ministering in the schools and community. Our teams were a mix of each ministry represented as well as a few local volunteers. I was apart of the community team that traveled to farms on the outskirts of the town as well as to a children’s home and a prison. We had such a fruitful week! We saw hundreds come to know the Lord and many chose to take a stand against AIDS by abstaining until they are married. This is huge in their culture and it was sweet to watch it all happen.

We have many stories about the power of the Lord this week. One of my favorites was when we showed the film at a township hall. It was a good set up with nice wooden floors giving the movie great acoustics.  All week Sarah and I had a hard time finding our place without knowing either of the languages spoken. But this particular night, I was able to communicate effectively with the 100 or so youth who attended. I simply opened my mouth and the Lord spoke through me to the kids. They understood my English and so I continued on challenging them to come together as a community and fight for hope with AIDS constantly striping hope from people. I kept on and told of how there is no place on this earth that we can escape the love of the Lord. And how Christ reaches down and pulls us from the pit. And He crowns us with his love and compassion. There is nothing we can do that will separate us from His love.  Dozens professed faith in Christ that night. I couldn’t even count them all because I was so focuses on this one young guy who was totally broken and moved by the Holy Spirit. It was such a powerful night.

On the farms, we saw similar things happen. Many of the farm workers have children and families but few are actually married. A strong and wonderful man of God, Duleigh, was on our team and he preached the truth of marriage and what the Bible says about it. Many men stood under the conviction heavy on their hearts. They would either marry the women that they lived with or they would leave. So often men and women don’t marry because the men have to pay (usually a sheep or a large sum of money) to the woman’s family for her. Because they do not have enough to hardly maintain, they are also unable to afford this. But Duleigh did not back away from the truth. Just because it’s hard it doesn’t mean that God doesn’t demand this of His children. So lives were greatly impacted by the simple power of the truth. I’m glad to have been apart. These are only a short few stories about the week. I wanted to give a small update with a few stories. Thanks for praying for us!   

HE Provides,