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 So I leave in the morning for a small little town called Somerset East until next Saturday. The aim team plus several other ministries are joining together for a program called “Beat the Drum”. This will be a very powerful week so please please please pray for us! Here is some information about “Beat the Drum.”

The horror of so many millions of souls currently under the curse of
AIDS has been seen. The movie “Beat the Drum” was the catalyst for our
response. A multi-faceted approach was developed that continued with a
massive campaign to train young people in AIDS prevention, mobilizing
people, volunteers from Africa and the US to break up into teams to go
into high schools to train the learners in biblically-based AIDS
prevention under a brand new project called, Beat the Drum.

Why Somerset East?
In early 2008 George and Michele Mwanza took a team to Somerset East
for outreach. They spent three days prayer walking through the
community. Through this prayer walk God introduced them to many
influential leaders and opened their eyes to the need for change and
growth within this small community. George knew that the town was ready
for Beat the Drum it was just getting influential leaders on board. On
Friday May 23rd six leaders went to present Beat the Drum to different
representatives of schools, businesses, and churches. The response was
amazing. God was so evident in that room that day. They are ready for
Beat the Drum to happen tomorrow. God is telling us that it’s time to
move in to Summerset East and open their eyes and hearts to the ways of
our Lord.

*Continued prayer is needed for the whole week of community outreach week.
*Families of the community
*HIV/AIDS positive people in the community
*Home Visits
*For the volunteers
*Curriculum facilitation
*Lasting impact and real value
*For God’s spirit to be poured out on the people attending
*Opening of their eyes to the knowledge and truth with understanding
*The Truth of the Word of God
*For the overall smooth running of our programs

To serve the Somerset East Community by bringing primarily the message
of abstinence through Beat the Drum project and giving hope through
meeting felt needs in the community.

To see the movement of God
To see believers, Churches and ministries join hands in unity to serve our community

To educate on HIV/AIDS
To prevent and STOP HIV/AIDS in the community

To care for our community
Thanks for your prayers over the last week. I am feeling MUCH better! Praise the Lord! I will update when I return on the 20th. Miss yall!!!

HE Provides,