
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

A Page from My Journal:

What am I suppose to do when I hear or I see the brokenness of this world? It’s not a pretend story. People are physically dying. I am an American. And for that I am so blessed. I am born into wealth and endless freedom. But what about the rest of this world? What about them? What about the kids that are literally starving in Zimbabwe? And they lay in dirty hospitals waiting for medical supplies that will probably never make it there. And whose nurses work for less than $1 American dollar a day, which doesn’t even cover their bus fare to travel to the hospital, while their ruler sits in luxury ruling with his iron fist. He allows this devastation to continue all for the sake of power and money. Zimbabweans are dying because of greed.

Why are we so broken? And why do I have so much? I don’t know what to do with myself. I have so much and the world has so little.

Today, how many girls will be sold into the sex trade? Today, how many boys will be taken from their families to fight for a cause that only takes away from more families?

But what about Jeffreys Bay? There are hungry people here too. They need so much help. But I get so annoyed with their begging at times. I feel like they ask but what if one day they just take?  I’m fearful of what they will do. Even Jbay has more than most other counties in Africa but they are still so incredibly needy. This country is raising up a generation that is created to be dependent on others. And that scares me.  

So I ask again, why are we so broken? And what must I do? I’m tired of turning my face away from the problem. I refuse to turn a deaf ear. I don’t want to be ignorant anymore. So I leave you with a powerful poem. I hope it deeply scares you as it has me and leads us both into a holy rage.

What is, therefore, the task of the preacher (or the church) today?
Shall I answer: “Faith, hope and love”?
That sounds beautiful.
But I would say-Courage.

No, even that is not challenging enough to be the whole truth..

Our task today isrecklessness.

For what we Christians lack is not psychology or literature,
we lack holy rage.
 The recklessness that comes from the knowledge of God and humanity.
The ability to rage when justice lies prostrate on the streets…
And when the lie rages across the face of the earth –
a holy anger about things that are wrong in the world.
To rage against the ravaging of God’s earth,
and the destruction of God’s world.
To rage when little children must die of hunger,
when the tables of the rich are sagging with food.
To rage at the senseless killing of so many,
and against the madness of militaries.
To rage against the lie that calls the threat of death and the strategy of destruction – Peace.
To rage against complacency.
To restlessly seek that recklessness that will challenge and seek to change human history until it conforms with the norms of the Kingdom of God.
And remember the signs of the Christian Church have always been –
the Lion, the Lamb, the Dove and the Fish…
but never the chameleon.

– Kaj Munk

HE Provides,

One response to “Anger”

  1. Amber, Thanks! Thanks for speaking from your heart and challenging us all! As you seek that holy rage in J’Bay, I pray that I will be broken for America and have a holy rage to not settle here, now. I love you and am praying for you!