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Thoughts & Inspiration

This week I had the strangest reality check.  I experienced culture shock. I know this should not be too surprising considering that I am living in Africa, but I was shocked by my own culture. American Christians came to Africa “on mission” and for the first time I saw my culture through the eyes of Africans. I watched as they came in with such passion and enthusiasm…and with their American mindset and their American God. I saw myself and the American church in these precious people. I sadly watched as they took pictures with their $1000 cameras and answered calls on their iphones and wore short shorts and tank tops into the townships with perfectly straightened hair and flawless makeup. This is my culture and I was uncomfortable and felt more like a foreigner.  I stepped back and watched the two cultures clash.  The children here are dirty and smell and wash themselves and their clothes every few days or sometimes even weeks. Women do not walk around in tank tops and short shorts. An iphone could feed a family of six for more than three months while also providing school books and uniforms for each. Not only would an iphone be able to pay for food and for schooling, in addition it could also pay for housing for several months with electricity included. Or maybe instead of paying for all of that, it could pay for health care at big hospitals that have ultrasounds and x-ray machines. Or perhaps it would be better for the iphone to pay to change a street kids life forever. To put food in their stomach. To give them an education. To let them have a bath and clean clothes.
As Americans have we distanced ourselves so much from the poor of the world that we can actually justify all the little gadgets we accumulate? As Americans have we forgotten that the world suffers as we live in luxury?  As Americans have we forgotten that Africa doesn’t need us or our money or all the great things we can do for her? Africa needs Jesus! Africa doesn’t need the American Jesus, she needs Jesus her Savior! And no matter how great our intentions are, in our ignorance we often run over the poor and the broken in our efforts “to win Africa for Chirst.” Africa belongs to the Lord already!!!!! Yes as Americans we have much to offer and we should give but are we really helping them when we blow in and out and leave behind us a trail of tracks and a ton of pictures to show other Americans how Africa deeply needs our help.
I am embarrassed by my culture. I love America to the core of my being, but I would be a fool to look the other way and ignore the injustice I’ve seen in the two clashing cultures. How did we drift so far away from the very words of Christ?

 “The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’ Then He will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you have me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison, and you did not look after me.’ He will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'” Matthew 25:40-45.

Ministry Update:

Continue to pray for the tavern. It is currently still in business as a tavern. Peela, the owner, still wants to turn it into a store but she does not have the money to do so right now. Pray for her and for the potential store. Joel, Peela’s nephew is still doing well and wants to come to church with us soon. He has a very important court date on March 21st, so please pray that his innocence will be proven.

Marta has been very busy and I have only seen her for a few minutes this week. I miss her greatly but I will update the Myna and Marta situation as soon as I know more. But they are both doing well! Praise God!

Our 7th grade bible class is also going very well. This is at a primary school for white Africans. They are sweet kids who are very much like 7th grade American students. We are challenging them on the very topic I blogged about today. Pray that it takes deep root in their hearts.

Noma is healthy and continues to grow in the Lord. She is such a servant and is always looking out for others. Right now, she is gathering her community together to raise money for some children who recently moved to South Africa and who live in constant poverty with never enough food. She’s looking more like Christ everyday.

Beauty is also a lady who we see on a regular basis. We missed her this week but please keep praying for a consistent job for her that pays her well. She is struggling with the ladies she works for and often is ripped off for the amount of work she does.

Our family who lives in Ocean View grows to love us more each week. I enjoy watching them wear the clothing I brought for them and I can see their excitement when we walk into their house. This week was a great break through! We prayed for Goodness, the mom, and read the Bible together! This is a huge step! Please pray for her salvation.

My Mom and Dad arrive tomorrow morning with a team to do some mission work in the area. Pray for them and for myself. I am so excited as you may already know!!!!! Pray for a great and refreshing week for us as we get to minister together in my favorite place in the world.

Pray for my team mates Raelynn and Tiffany. Both have been sick this week. Tiff has a pretty bad cold and ear infection. Raelynn has been sick on and off the whole time we’ve been here. However, new tests and issues have shown that her sickness may be more serious than we thought. She may have to return to the States to have more medical attention. This would be a huge blow for our team so please pray for her and her family. I’m obsessed with both of the girls and I want them to get better soon!

Pray for me as well. I’ve just completed a week fast and it was so challenging! I enjoyed it immensely and look forward to doing it again soon. I’ve really been seeking the Lord about the next phase of my life and where I need to start heading. Pray for direction and wisdom for me and a renewed love for our God.

I love you all dearly and I miss you! Thanks for your prayers and how effective you are in your simple conversations with God. He hears you! LOVE YOU!

HE Provides,


7 responses to “Americans!”

  1. Amber. This was beautiful. Your words have touched me today in a deep longing for Africa. I often realize how much I long to be back when I read your entries. Today is one such day. I am jealous with a Holy jealousy of what you are blessed to be doing. Being the hands and feet. Being a living example of a living God. You are beautiful and I can’t wait to see you to hug you in person. Much love for you and your team today. Many prayers are being lifted. I am so proud and honored to be your friend. -Sam

  2. Hey Amber, I am excited that your mom & dad are on the way. I saw them Thurs. and they can’t wait to get to you. I keep you on my frig and pray for you often. God has heard you and He will lead you where He wants you to go. Love you!!!

  3. The American wealth is something you’ll struggle wiht even more when back home. Keep the heart soft for the people there and keep sharing Jesus.

  4. i love reading your blogs you are an amazing young lady and proud of the work Jesus does in you. i will continue praying for you.