
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’m in Africa!  And being a leader for 41 people has taught me many new things. I decided to make a top ten list of things I’ve learned while being here.

10. When going through the Johannesburg airport with 50 plus people, be prepared to lose at least half of the luggage and if you lose your passport you have to go back to Canada. (Hurry back Mel!)
9. Making 41 people be on time is cruel and unusual punishment for me.
8. Driving to “The Bush” is similar to the old computer game Oregon Trail. Who knew I would have to ford the river?
7. Feeding 41 people African food is bound to not end well.
6. Never assume that 41 North Americans know that it’s cold in Africa when it’s hot in America…
5.  The internet café is the number one hang out place for the team.
4. The word “busy” has a new definition for me.
3. Expect the team to never forget the day you mistakenly drove down the wrong side of the road. Opps! 🙂
2. I use to think that every question is a good question be asked. I do not believe this anymore and I apologize for asking so many questions in my previous life.
1. When frustrated, just simply exclaim “welcome to Africa” give a small smile then shrug your shoulders.

This is by far one of the most challenging things I have ever done. Making decisions and plans for 41 participants in a foreign country teaches you patience! It has been rough at times. But the team is really great and I see incredible amounts of growth.

Currently, 18 people are working a camp for some youth until Tuesday morning. Several other ministry teams have come together for some children’s holiday program (all schools are closed this week) and house visiting teams are going strong. Each ministry has had a team there for a week now and everyone seems to really enjoy it. The team has been great about being flexible (they’ve been living out of their suitcase since they arrived and have had to move multiple times) and they are already beginning to dig deep in their ministry sites.

I have been very busy with the team but I have managed to see several of my families from last year.  The feeding program, “Khulisa” is going very well! I was thrilled to see how well Noma is doing and the container looks amazing! She is feeding 12 children 5 mornings a week. We are hoping to purchase chairs and a table for Noma so she can have a lady’s bible study there. Please pray that one of the house visiting teams will be able to start up a bible study with the children as well.

It’s been very hard to be back. I feel like Jeffreys has changed in my heart. It’s the same place but I just see it differently. No longer is my ministry in the township. No longer do I get to follow. No longer are my days simple and predictable. I’m adjusting and I think it will continue to be better. I’ve had some rough days with feeling sick and also being very tired. Please pray for our leadership team’s health and rest. Also pray for protection for us. We’ve had some issues with our security at the house where the leaders are staying (the participants are safe at the camp base…no worries there!). Last night was the first night we’ve slept through the night without our alarm system going off. It was quite a sweet blessing for all of us.

Hope life is well back home! I’m thinking about yall all the time and pray that God is known as the Provider in these hard times. Thanks!

HE Provides,

Amber Mullins