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Thoughts & Inspiration

Looking back…

Hello! I definitely cannot believe that my first semester has come and gone so quickly. I have had so many opportunities and amazing experiences while I have been in South Africa. I don't even know … Read more about Looking back…

A Simple Staff

Remember that story about Moses and the burning bush? It's in Exodus and it leads right up to when God commands Moses to lead His people out of slavery. I was reading that passage the other day and … Read more about A Simple Staff

Trick or Treat

So we may have missed Halloween in America, but we far from missed out! My teammates are pretty creative and hosted a "Fall Into Jesus" party this last weekend. We laughed a good bit at the name … Read more about Trick or Treat

Dance of Freedom

You know how there are these strange, almost euphoric, moments when you feel like your heart is going to burst with joy? Like the moments when you feel, even for just second, that the world is good … Read more about Dance of Freedom

I’m Over It

I have so many positive and wonderful things I could write about right now. I could write about the cool ministry opportunities that opened up this week. Or I could tell about watching a women be … Read more about I’m Over It


  So my Canadian friends tell me that their Thanksgiving was last Monday on the American holiday of Columbus Day. Although we have yet to taste of their yummy mash potatoes and turkey, I … Read more about Thanksgiving


SWAZILAND   Hello from Swaziland! This has been such a great week ministering to the Swazi people, getting to know the 60 Africa FYM participants, and learning about our spiritual … Read more about Jambulile!

I’m Here!

I made it to South Africa! Thank you for all your prayers. Our 15 hour layover in Germany proved to be somewhat challenging but we had a good time! (Praise God for reclining seats!) Alabanza is our … Read more about I’m Here!